“AI” refers to the machinery that fills the world with mental trash, extraneous noncontent that nonetheless wastes the cognitive powers of those who are forced to encounter it. (As if synthesizing the manifold weren’t already burdensome enough.) No subjective, embodied thought went into it, but someone’s actual life will be wasted in dealing with it, even as its production has wasted the planet’s life-sustaining resources. It kills life twice over.

This seems relevant:

Brandolini's law, also known as the bullshit asymmetry principle, is an internet adage coined in 2013 by Alberto Brandolini, an Italian programmer, that emphasizes the effort of debunking misinformation, in comparison to the relative ease of creating it in the first place. The law states:

The amount of energy needed to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than that needed to produce it.


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Thank you for this. Fascism rests on Brandolini’s law.

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Ugh, this one really hits. I watched my partner last night suffer through completing an AI-designed assessment in her masters degree. Lines and lines of ‘de-subjectivised’ word vomit that is handed to students, who are then expected to reciprocate in some meaningful way. It’s ‘instruction replacing communication’ and it feels so deflating.

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Length and detail also make people think of AI. Sometimes, when I’m engaging with someone and I’ve given them a detailed reply, I’m accused of having used ChatGPT to generate my answer. I’ve never done that though. It’s frustrating. Even more so than the allegations that you’re using the perfectly valid and practical word ‘fungible’ only after discovering it through NFTs—despite knowing and using it before then.

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As a content writer I’m now regularly tasked with editing AI-generated content. This is soul destroying and worse! Jobs available to me now are in AI promoting, effectively working myself out of my own career. I can only hope that there will be a niche for work that does not negate the process, the messiness and the care of writing.

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AI is actually the exact opposite of wokeness. It works great, and doesn’t care about how people perceive it.

Wokeness fails at just about everything, but projects an aura of moral superiority.

Perfect symmetry.

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