Enjoyed this piece. In some ways the algorithmic bubble is even more insidious than stated here. Said bubble seems to say, in ever more slick and sophisticated ways, “we know you better than you do” or “let us do your thinking for you.” Many tech people I know have a near religious, hypnotic fervor about all this. In this way we find yet another way to embraced the unexamined or quietly reflective life.

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In such a way, intuition, wisdom and learnedness become “quaint”.

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I love this piece--all the angles of self-sabotage. "Sabot" is French for a worker's shoe. "Sabotage" is from throwing a shoe into the machinery, literally gumming up the works. If sabotage led to workers' rights, what does self-sabotage lead to? A stoic manifesto? A monk's discipline? Where's the Zen acceptance of flawed humanity and try, try again?

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